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HomeGenerator Safety

Generator Safety

As a Serene Lakes Property owner, you may be interested in getting a back-up power generator system to energize refrigeration and freezer equipment, medical devices, communication systems and other necessary systems during power shutoffs.

Back-up generators are typically fueled by natural gas , gasoline , propane , or diesel fuel , and interconnect with a home's electrical service panel, engaging back-up power when the electrical provider's power is disconnected or shut off.  Improper construction or hookup of this type of equipment may lead to serious life safety consequences, such as electric shock, electrocution, or fire. Failure to maintain operating generators a minimum distance from openable windows and doors could result in carbon monoxide accumulation and associated life safety risks.

We recommend that you use a professional installer for any permanent generator installation. Below are some guidelines to assist in understanding the safety precautions when using 

Using Portable Generators Safely for guidelines of use of portable generators.